3 Ways You Can Distinguish Between Cast Iron and Cast Steel

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Steel and iron are two terms that are often used interchangeably. However, when it comes down to the chemical composition and characteristics of the two, there are quite a few notable differences. As any reputed alloy cast iron casting manufacturer in West Bengal will be able to tell you, both cast iron and cast steel are used for building a variety of equipment such as:

• Pipes
• Parts of industry-grade machinery
• Automotive parts
• Kitchen utensils
• Ship anchors

alloy cast iron casting manufacturer in West Bengal

However, it is straightforward to confuse between the two materials owing to their distinct set of similarities. So, here is an extensive guide to distinguishing between cast steel and cast iron:

Cast iron contains more carbon than cast steel

A significant difference between cast steel and cast iron lies in their chemical composition. Technically, both materials are made out of iron. What varies is the carbon content. Cast iron contains a higher percentage of carbon content as compared to cast steel. Roughly, 0.1-0.5% of carbon can be found in cast steel. On the other hand, nearly 2% of carbon content can be found in cast iron.

Cast iron has more exceptional cast ability than cast steel.

Due to their distinct chemical properties, cast iron is much easier to cast than cast steel. Both materials melt at the same temperature range, which falls a little above 2000?F. However, cast iron is more fluid in nature. As a result, it can be poured easily in moulds of any shape or size. An experience alloy cast iron casting manufacturer can do the trick with even with a limited quantity of cast iron as its shrinkage rate is low. In contrast, cast steel is difficult to pour into moulds. It requires constant attention during the casting process due to its high percentage of shrinkage and the tendency to react with surrounding metals.

Ability to resist sudden impacts

Cast steel has a significant advantage over cast iron due to its ability to withstand sudden duress. Since cast iron has low ductility, it is prone to being brittle under sudden stress or strain. However, cast steel can retain its original shape under a high amount of force or pressure. This is why cast steel is preferred over cast iron while constructing parts of automobile engines, machines and in building construction.

Huston India is a leading alloy cast iron casting manufacturer in West Bengal that can provide you with a wide range of options when it comes to cast steel and cast iron. They provide reliable and cost-effective solutions to all clients.

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